What I learned as a Dobbs Global Intern
I’m sad, but excited, to post the second internship recap of my intern who helped out on the Dobbs Global side of the business in the marketing department. Victoria Kamerer, recently graduated from Flagler College with a Bachelor degree in Media Production. It’s been exciting to have her on the team with her enthusiasm to learn and positive energy! I know myself, and the entire staff, will miss her. Here’s her internship recap:
What I Learned as a Dobbs Global Intern
By Victoria Kamerer

I began working as an intern at Dobbs Global in the beginning of the spring semester, which started around the middle of January. Over these past few months I have learned more than I could ever imagine. By learning all of this new stuff over the semester, by helping create content for the company almost every day, I feel as if I’m much better equipped to enter this industry and be able to succeed.
Without the help of my boss, Jamie Douglas, I don’t see myself as being as proficient in this internship as I currently am. She taught me how to use new programs to schedule the content I create across all the social media accounts the business uses, along with how to write the creative content. Before this internship, I never knew how creative someone had to be to always be able to come up with new posts every single day. Along with having to be super creative, marketers also have to be able to write a ton of quality content.
Along with helping to create social media content for the company, I also helped make videos for the Menu Designs side of the business. This helped teach me how to film products and turn those videos into short advertisements and informational videos for a company, along with teaching me how to work under a client and their preferred wishes.
As I’m wrapping up my time here at Dobbs Global, I am certainly sad to see it coming to an end. At the same time I am extremely happy with the time I have spent with this company and everything I have been able to learn while being here, and the wonderful friendships I have acquired.